Monday, January 07, 2008

Troubleshooting a failing septic system

If you've recently had a backup of your septic system you know how unpleasant the whole experience is. So what can you do to find out what's wrong with the system?

Basically the septic system is split up into a few different categories.

1. The plumbing from your home to the septic tank.

If you live in an area with a lot of trees you might want to have the line from the house to the tank visually inspected. The best way to do this is to call a licensed plumber with a small video camera to drop down the cleanout and inspect the outlet pipe to the tank. Often times the tree roots will find their way into the inlet pipe and split the pipe open. Once the roots are inside they will branch out and clog up the system. Typically snaking the line is not going to do it -- replace the pipe from the home to the tank.

2. Problems inside the septic tank.

The septic tank typically has 3 baffles. The inlet baffle, the center wall baffle and the outlet baffle. The biggest problem with the septic tank is going to be the outlet baffle. If the outlet baffle has deteriorated and is allowing solid material into the leach fields you are going to have a pretty serious problem. Replace the outlet baffle -- find the distribution box and clean it out and pray you have not totally clogged up the leach fields.

3. Leach Fields have failed.

In Pima County I have found that most leach lines start to fail at about 25+ years -- some less and some a little more, but this is about the average. Over time, the sediment from the septic tank get into the gravel beds and build up a nice layer of sludge that will not allow liquid to pass through.

Another issue after 25+ years is that the trees near your septic system have found your leaching field and have rooted inside the gravel beds. Once this happens you really don't have much choice other than to replace the existing leach fields.

Whatever you situation -- give me a call at 520-406-3871 and I can help you get back to normal. To visit my website go to