Friday, June 08, 2007

Tucson Percolation Testing

What is a "Perk Test?" Why do you need to do this? What is involved?

A Percolation Test is performed by a licensed septic contractor and a civil engineer. Excavation is performed to measure the percolation rate of any fluids into the soil. Several holes are dug around the property to find the best absorption area for your new septic system.

Pima County Department of Environmental Quality requires that you do this test before intalling a septic system. You will not be allowed to pull a septic permit until you do so.

The cost for the engineering and excavation is $900 -- with a fee of approximately $270 and $170 for design review fee and the actual permit.

The percolation test can normally be done within 3 days and the permitting process will take anywhere from 2-4 days.

If you have questions regarding percolation tests feel free to give me a call at 520-449-5057.

If you want to read a bit more about percolation testing in Tucson please visit my website at

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